BET Başay Desa™ Elevator

Cereals, legumes, etc. It is used to transport the product vertically. 1.1 kW 380 V or 220V.

Şartlar ve Koşullar

Used for vertical lifting of grains by specially designed cups.
Not suitable for horizontal or angled movement of grains.
Head section of elevator can be used in both directions.
Belt can easily be strached by adjusting bearing-beds on the top of the elevator.
There is a window on the elevator for observing movement of the grains.
Body and cups are manufactured from special sheet iron.
Belt, which carries cups, is made of nylon mixture and has a longer service life-time.
Can be built any height desired, however if elevator is longer than 4m (157.48 inch), a support system is needed from the top area.